Popular professions in Appenzell Ausserrhoden


58 salary entries

CHF 80 705


41 salary entries

CHF 63 000

Project Leader

34 salary entries

CHF 89 700

Commercial Manager

31 salary entries

CHF 57 200


29 salary entries

CHF 64 350

Care Professional

28 salary entries

CHF 67 284

Health Care Professional

26 salary entries

CHF 58 608


22 salary entries

CHF 64 025

Assistant Nurse

19 salary entries

CHF 56 160

Software Engineer

19 salary entries

CHF 95 000

More salaries nearby


St. Gallen

25 573 salaries

How much does one earn in Appenzell Ausserrhoden?

Do you work in Appenzell Ausserrhoden or are you interested in a job in this canton? There the median wage for all jobs and industries is CHF 71 968. This figure is based on 1 477 salary details provided by users on the free salary check from jobs.ch. Appenzell is completely surrounded by the canton of St. Gallen. The canton's main towns are Herisau and Trogen, where there are many SMEs, often looking for new employees. Other places in the canton include Heiden, Teufen and Speicher. Wages in the Canton of Appenzell Ausserrhoden are on average lower than in cantons such as Zurich or Geneva, but the cost of living is also lower.

What are the highest paid sectors in the Canton of Appenzell Ausserrhoden?

In the canton of Appenzell Ausserrhoden there are jobs in a wide variety of sectors. Who has high financial expectations should above all strive for a job in the Legal / Business advice sector, because here the median wage is highest. The Information technology / Telecom. sector pays the second best and on the third place follows the Medical Technology industry. By the way, the canton is especially popular because of its beautiful nature and mountains.