Popular professions in Grisons

Commercial Manager

225 salary entries

CHF 65 000


171 salary entries

CHF 65 000


150 salary entries

CHF 77 625


138 salary entries

CHF 50 550

Project Leader

123 salary entries

CHF 87 100

Retail Salesperson

106 salary entries

CHF 52 380

Account Manager

105 salary entries

CHF 55 000


100 salary entries

CHF 55 550

Truck Driver

99 salary entries

CHF 63 700


93 salary entries

CHF 66 000

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How much does one earn in Graubünden?

Do you work in Graubünden or are you interested in a job in this canton? There the median wage for all jobs and industries is CHF 70 207. This figure is based on 7 331 wage details provided by users on the free salary check from jobs.ch. By the way, there are particularly many jobs in the canton of Graubünden in tourism, as it is one of the most popular holiday destinations in the country. In the capital Chur, there are many large and medium-sized companies, which are often looking for new employees. Other important places in the canton of Graubünden include Davos, Landquart and Scuol. Wages in the canton of Graubünden are on average lower than in cantons like Zurich or Geneva, but the cost of living is also lower.

What are the highest paid sectors in the Canton of Graubünden?

The largest canton in Switzerland offers jobs in a wide range of sectors. Who has financially high expectations should above all strive for a job in the Utilities sector, because here the median wage is highest. The Banking / Financial institutions sector pays the second best in Graubünden and the Education sector follows on place three. The canton is particularly popular because of its beautiful nature, the mountains and the many well-known ski resorts. By the way, three languages are spoken in Graubünden: German, Italian and Romansh.